Our smart lamp posts are now mounted along Notvägen between Campushallen and Parkbron. There are 12 lamp posts that the project has purchased from Hess, in collaboration with Skellefteå...
Roboflow has written about Joo Chan Kim’s work with object identification for the SSiO project. He has made a solution so that the different types of sensors we have...
In collaboration with Exploratoriet, we have had workshops with the ninth graders at Floraskolan. Exploratoriet conducts such collaborations with various industries in order to increase technological interests by presenting...
Now the project web for our collaborative project iVO is up and running. Our IoT platform is used to collect sensor data from pilot users in Skellefteå and Kiruna....
Today, in collaboration with Exploratoriet, we had a workshop with the ninth graders at Bolidenskolan. Exploratoriet conducts such collaborations with various industries in order to increase technological interests by...
Our sister project Gender Smart Arena is launching a tool for companies and organizations that want to become more gender aware and at the same time more competitive. Launch...
Today, in collaboration with Exploratoriet, we had a workshop with a ”högstadieklass” from Kanalskolan. Exploratoriet runs such collaborations with various industries with the aim of increasing technology interests by...
Our IoT Innovator kit is now ready in its first edition. The hardware itself contains sensors for temperature, humidity, pressure, illuminance and acceleration in 3 directions. We have also...
The Horizon 2020 project Phoenix with a total budget of just over 5 million euros has just been approved by the EU. It’s about using new technology to make...
We currently have 5 gateways deployed in Skellefteå. We will also soon set up a gateway at Anderstorp centrum to get better coverage from the south. We have previously...