Our smart lamp posts are now mounted along Notvägen between Campushallen and Parkbron. There are 12 lamp posts that the project has purchased from Hess, in collaboration with Skellefteå municipality. Skellefteå Kraft has also contributed with fiber connections to the poles.

For over 200 years, lamp posts have been used for street lighting, but lamp posts are also a good infrastructure for building a smart society with the help of IoT. All poles have internet connection. They are also equipped with radar, to be able to detect passers-by. With the help of this function, you can then turn lights on when people are passing if you want. Some of the poles also have wifi hotspots, camera and speakers. They also have empty sections where the project can put in own equipment.
Now the next step will be to integrate the lamp posts with our IoT platform.
Feel free to contact us if you have your own ideas for equipment that can be used in the lamp posts and / or services based on these.