Today we held our final seminar where we talked about what we achieved and our thoughts on using the technology going forward. We talked about the open platform for...
During the spring of 2023, April 18 – 20, the annual industry conference for map/GIS and measurement people – #Kartdagarna# – was arramged. During these three days, approximately 700...
SSiO and a number of other LTU projects, as well as a few other organizations, were organizers of Gender Contact Point Day 2023 – Equality culture as a competitive...
SSiO participated in a stand at the opening of ”Västerbotten på Grand” together with some other projects from LTU. As usual, our ”pipe demo” in Hololens was of great...
Christer Åhlund was chairing a session on ”Smart Health and Wellbeing” during the conference IEEE ISC2, (8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference 2022), in Cyprus September 26-29th. The IEEE International...
The project has reached the goals we set from the start, but we still saw that we could make more of the technology we developed. Therefore, we submitted an...
Christer Åhlund and Michael Carlberg Lax today presented Skellefteå and some SSiO results in ”Série sur les villes intelligentes”, invited by CGI. Link to their...
Yesterday we had an internal workshop at The Great Northern for steering group and project group, where we showed the project results so far. Leif started by demonstrating our...
Today, in collaboration with Exploratoriet, we had a workshop with a ”högstadieklass” from Kanalskolan. Exploratoriet runs such collaborations with various industries with the aim of increasing technology interests by...