November 22 – 24, LTU (Luleå University of Technology) and some other organizations organized the ”Hackathon Arctic Challenge 2022”. Students from the master’s programs at Campus Skellefteå were invited. Some companies and some other organizations came up with challenges for the students to take on. The Arctic Challenge was organized for the first time in 2016 and has been held every year with the exception of 2019 and 2020.
The students were divided into 6 teams that took on different challenges. 3 out of 6 challenges were related to energy and buildings.
Dino Team worked on a challenge from ABB. A new building for the ”Arctic Center of Energy (ACE)” will be built on Campus Skellefteå. ABB is involved in the energy management of the building, where there will also be an energy exchange with other buildings on Campus, so energy is taken from buildings that have a surplus to those that have a deficit. The challenge was to visualize the energy transfer. Radio Västerbotten also interviewed the team in the program ”Förmiddag i P4 Västerbotten”. The interview starts about 1 hour 49 minutes and 30 seconds into the program. See their final presentation.
Team JANN accepted a challenge from the SSiO project, where they used the SSiO sensor kit to obtain temperature data from the inside of a wall, the outside of the wall, and the outdoor temperature some distance away from the wall. In this way, they calculated the U-value of the wall, or for example a window. See their final presentation.
Team SMPS worked on a challenge from the Phoenix project. The challenge was to retrieve data from a ”Context broker” from a FIWARE-based IoT platform and save it to another FIWARE-based IoT platform, thus demonstrating platform-to-platform integration for different ”end points” in a Context broker. The data should then be displayed in the form of notifications in a mobile application. The mobile application is to be used to save energy in apartments and activate IoT sensors such as thermostats for heating. The app should also be used to send back feedback on how comfortable the apartment feels after the activation has been carried out. See their final presentation.
Team G’adir-budir accepted the challenge: Propose and implement a universal decentralized identification service. All users must be able to access it. The solution should also be decentralized (secure and immutable without using centralized parties or cloud technology). Try to propose a decentralized identification solution that helps users have free access to join and leave the network without paying anything. The solution should include ”decentralized identification system without third party intervention”. In addition, all activities should be immutable and traceable in the system. See their final presentation.
Team Infosec worked on a challenge from SenseWorks. To perform a security review and penetration test of Senseworks systems.
Senseworks provided:
- An example URL to a fake client endpoint
- An architectural overview of the involved platforms and system components
- Screen sharing of specific parts of the source code at students’ request
The review should result in actionable advice, ranked security risks, and ideas for security-related improvements to the code base and infrastructure platform. See their final presentation.
LTU had come in with a challenge that Subarctic Monkeys took care of. It was about constructing a framework for real-time data collection for collaboration and co-presence in a ”virtual reality environment”. Data from a variety of sources is required for physical and virtual world adaptation and collaboration. These include context, physical and physiological data. The challenge is to create a solution, such as a VR framework, that collects and integrates data from multiple sources for virtual reality collaboration and co-presence applications with a particular focus on medical training. Collect sample data with the framework and perform standardized data cleaning for analysis. See their final presentation.
The jury for the Arctic Challenge consisted of:
- Robert Winter, Senseworks
- Saguna Saguna, Luleå University of Technology
- Nuru Jingili, Luleå University of Technology
- They reviewed the contributions against the criteria:
- Visualization – How aesthetic and creative is the visualization?
- Usability – How useful is the solution, and how easy is it to use for the target audience?
- Innovation – How innovative is the contribution?
- Business potential – How high is the business potential
All 6 teams did very serious work and had interesting final presentations. The jury had a tough task in selecting winners, but in the end two winners were chosen, as the participants came from two different educations with different specializations.
Subarctic Monkeys, which consisted of Marianna Oleotti, Brianna Swan, Md sakibul Islam and Muiz Raheem won one of the classes with their solution to use VR glasses and sensors in healthcare.
The Infosec team consisting of Babatunde Mubarak Oyedele and Umair Arshad won the information security category for their penetration test and security review of Senseworks solutions.
The jury also appointed a second and a third prize winner. Dino Team and Team SMPS shared the second prize and Team JANN got the third prize.
In addition to a diploma, all participants in the two winning teams also received a box of chocolate as encouragement.